Dear Emilie Autumn Fritzges

Dear Emilie Autumn Fritzges,


I am a former Plague Rat.  I mean I was Plague Rat beyond all Plague Rats.  Last time you were in Portland (February 3rd, 2013) I sat outside the venue for EIGHT HOURS beside your tour bus because I was too late to get a VIP ticket like I had the previous year.  In case you have forgotten, which is most likely considering how many fans you have, Portland on February mornings is pretty chilly.

I’ve seen you perform three times.  The first time was in Edinburgh, Scotland, and then twice in Portland.  I own pretty much everything you’ve ever created.  Music, your book, your tea, multiple t-shirts, posters, etc.

So here is my plea:

Please stop your rabid increase of a negative stigma for those who have bipolar disorder or any other mental health difficulty.  You make us all look like arrogant, self-absorbed sluts and whores craving attention when some people just need help.

I don’t care about how skinny your girls are on stage and apart from the way you degrade people who are ACTUALLY gay through your intense abuse of your audience’s hormone-fires when you make out with Veronica, even some of the slut-festing doesn’t bother me because you’re just like every other pop-star.  You’re a sell-out.  And that’s fine.  Some people anticipated that long ago, once the Enchant ‘era’ was over.

But your excessive excuses about how it’s ok for you to act this way because evil society has labeled you ‘crazy’ is pathetic.  Society doesn’t give a crap about you.  Most of them have never heard of you.  You labeled yourself.  And it’s actually quite damaging to the reputations of those of us who actually WANT to get better.

Sometimes I so badly miss listening to your music.  Because I felt a comfort that there was someone else out there who understood.  Then I think about you with your grossly overplumped lips and the lies about your ‘dead’ family who are alive and wondering what the heck is going on and I just get struck with disgust.

If you want privacy for the many relationships you have personally destroyed, then take your privacy.  Tell everyone you’d rather not address any question regarding those things.  Don’t openly kill off people so your fans can find out that you’re a manipulative LIAR and be, yet again, disappointed that you are in fact, not crazy, just a manipulative liar.


Thanks and please do yourself a favour and be a little bit more honest,


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